Monday, June 8, 2009

It occured to me through no fault of my own that I've been absent for a while. Is it coincidence that I drank a bunch of Olde English tonight, and that that is the elixer that puts me in the writting mood? And that my friend Jared started a music blog at Pay attention to it. You might have to put down that stupid fucking Offspring cd for a while. But again, is it coincidence that he started that and reminded me of this and that I'm shithoused on malt liquor?


But I don't care.

I'd like to say that I could take an hour or two and write a beautiful exposition on the last six months. Six months that saw me travel to New York to Boston to Seattle and back to Portland. All in the name of the Melvins. A trip that I was lucky enough to have been invited backstage by my friend Mike who is/was ( ?) the drummer for the 1983 version of the Melvins. A trip where I was able to get a pic with Buzz, Dale, Mike, Trevor, and Gibby Haynes. A trip that gave me access to a little behind the scenes of the Melvins ( delicious pizza and Heiniken). A trip that allowed me to visit new cities, be awstruck by the insanity of New York, and the beauty of Boston. Oh, and the same ole same ole of Seattle. Sorry Seattle, but you bore me..........throwing fish around does not constitute excitement. Your strip clubs are boob-ified juice bars and we have trees and water down here too.

But, after 10 minutes off babble now, I realize I have been able to make another post in my boring blog that as far as I know, no one reads. Success! This is therapy for the cheese stuffed soul.