Saturday, February 23, 2008

its time to sign out burn out and give up. Perfect color isn't possible, so shut up. Goddamn little asshole, little lump lip. Drink water, be quiet, and starve. You get embarrassed when your body speaks. Let your eye scream. Have I been alive for roughly 11680 days? Doesn't seem that many. Estimates.

Turns out it's only 11548 days. 277152 hours. 997747200 seconds.


Young enough to die of a old man's heart. I might go for a walk tonight. I wish I had NY sidewalks and Washington beach dreams. Rain, cement, noise, and on the flick, a green, lit, acreage of dirt, tree's, and bamboo. And xylophones. And water.

Huggies noise. Huggies will hold two pounds of streetwalker bullshit you know? Fuck pdx would be fun tonight. It's time to invite the clan down for another night at the Magic Garden, and drinking of whiskey on the forbidden rooftop of a downtown motel.

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