Wednesday, April 9, 2008

a song by song word interpretation of moist thoughts and dry love. And it isn't all me.

My thoughts:

Starting off like chimes
Beating into a drum frenzy and
multi layered vocal conspiracy.

We will always sell our poison.
Wanting everything
Every moments swollen
Then there's a fast part.

Massing anger amounting faster than I can relive

The rising tide will kill you.

Beautiful drumming and dirty distortion.

My eyes are needles and not so narrow.
My headphones are free. I don't know what I even want to try to be.

Wake up!

drumb(stick) pieces only try to be.

Ignore my crown

Not so you'd know(tice).

Body dies arrested in this bucket.This bodies cold
It's still growing bolder.

There's a stillborn love, only suitable for me.
Red 9 # 1
We were waiting.
One of my babies is right, with the gun.
My own wisdom goes now,
Cuz he's right

Four eyed muscle man
The true are not enough
I'll bang it out loud, and I was looking
for a system tough enough.

My own wisdom goes now
cuz were right n simple

It's a definite fever
Made for just a me n you.

Made simple, just a thing for us two.

There's a way to forget us
Send me
Home now

If only we didn't piss it away.
It's there for this season.
Could you tell by the motion?
Could you tell by the light?
Could you tell that it's you?

There's a reason for our confusion.
There's a reason for our unknown love.

There's a little animal, way up in the air
My nose and tongue are roving, but maybe it's not there
There's a little man now, in the middle of the earth
He gives himself these orders, and let it all be burned

There are lots of makeshift wonders, seven in the world
Five of them will not be noticed and three will not be heard.

There's a meal, there's a window, there's a place you can see
You can keep what you've stolen, just give it back to me.'

I'd rather chase my vengeance, even if their dead
Maybe his time is coming, and maybe he's better off.

I'm gonna leave part II for later in your brain.

It'll take off from here.

Like a fucking concord.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey dude,
Is this from Dog Island, by the Melvins? I was looking for the lyrics of this song on the web but, strangely enough, all the sites show totally different lyrics for it! You seem to be the only one who (almost) put it right. Is it possible for you to send me the exact lyrics? English is my second language, and I'm sweating to get those words right! Thanks!