Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Let's Dance.

These days, are the day's.

When the thunder will flow like wine.

When the pain falls from the vine.

When the constipated swine will rise.

The newly born will define

The only things they've known

Someday they figure

It'll finish, an atomic glow.

Lets Dance.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Now. I. Am.

Piss drunk on fire-hydrant soap.

Red Fang

Stephen Colbert

Mila Kunis

Go to bed assholes.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You just need to know........

that I'm drunk. Consider it and relish in it.


Are a big pile of my life again. I went to the Seattle Endless Residency shows and loved em. Except for the 6 little puds that were at their first 21+ show (4 of whom got kicked out during Anaconda) the show was great ( haha and fuck you, you little dicks shits, I told you to chill). You didn't listen and you little fucks got what you deserved. Especially you, you little bleached blond cunt-boy. Hope you enjoyed the 2 hour show that you got to see about 15 minutes of. You're going to lead a rich, full life. I can tell. Have fun with your consistent black-eye's and lack of friends!
