Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm considering making this a....

beer blog. Well, a blog that let's me bullshit about the beer I make, and sometimes, the food I make to accompany the beer, or food made WITH my beer.

Only because I've been working for hours ( at times ) to get my recipe's right. I've made seven batch's so far. Five have been bottled, and mostly, drank. The other two were brewed this weekend and are sitting in the fermenters. Yesterday we made my beer, which was an Imperial Dark Stout that I'm calling N.A.P. Dark Imperial Vanilla Stout. Today, we made Cat's choice, which was a Honey Orange Heff. Catchy name undecided as of now.

For next weekend, I'm making a holiday ale. The name came to me immediatly. Holy Dale Holiday Ale. Named after Dale Crover of course. I plan on it being a nice, warming, kick your ass ale. At least 9.5 % ABV and spiced up with nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, and orange zest. I want this to be something to keep your wimpy ass warm on a winter night.

My HDHA will be the second beer I've named regarding the Melvins. I made an IIPA a few months ago, and Dog Island came on while I was bottling, and my Dog Island Imperial IPA was named. Almost 9 oz. of hops in the boil, and dry hopped with another 2 oz. made it a damn strong and hoppy beer. It came in second out of 15 beers at a tiny homebrew competition a few weeks ago. I missed first place by 2 points. For it being the fifth batch I've ever made, I'll take it. I'm going to make it again very soon, with some minor changes to the hop schedule, and maybe add a darker malt, just to deepen up the taste and color a bit.

Well, I think that's enough........I'll write more on this later.

Oh...........and I made some killer fucking pork ribs and corn on the bbq tonight. It went well with the DogFish Head 60 minute IPA.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I don't think.......

about much.

This is the most boring effort ever.

I expect a massive change soon.

Soon being within two years.

Working hard to find it, but I kind of expect it to hit me right in the fucking face.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

typical tuesday night drunken word slut party

ive erasead more things than i've written. but i don't think thats possible.

whats up fatlip

it makes no sense

whats up fatlip

I just saw a shoooting star do a 180

It's true

what's up fatlip

sleep beckons but i don't know what to tell it to do.

fuck you sleep ship

I miss a few things, I loathe a lot more....

I miss having the nerve and mindset and color and tempurature to write on this silly page.

I miss having the proper ingredients and the proper amounts of said ingrediants to make a fucking sentence.

at least a punctuated and gramatically correct sentance made with the neat words and bells

I'm going to run around the corner on FIRE.

I'm going to be a weather predicting dermatologist.

95 IBU's injected straight to the throat.

I guess I loathe nasty German Lager.

I'll be better at everything when I'm older

I promise.
for what it's worth, what I was jabbering about last time is over with. the drama has died down and the internal fuckery has ended for now. but it's not over with. it'll come back.

i'm thinking of starting a beer blog. only because what i am drinking right now is fucking horrible and i bought it because the fucking over-haired twit at new seasons told me it was really good. it's not. helles schlenkerla lager is awful. youve been warned. but i do have an interesting bottle to put my own DAMNED GOOD BEERS in. this shit is awful. im going to let the sink drink the rest.

and id like to write about beer. and make beer. id rather make it than write about it. plus im not a good writer. i am a good drinker though. and so far a good brewer. so fuck punctuation and hooray for sterilization and hops.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not me.........

Scrambled eggs, oh my baby I love your legs.........

No one will read this for weeks, months, years? But wish us luck tomorrow.

I'm sad, nervous, and scared. Three great things to be when you're by yourself.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I should be listening to some Hellbound Glory live right now. But I'm not. I'm not sure if it's because I'm an amatuer alcoholic or if I don't have the skills to talk someone into giving me a ride.

Actually, I think it's because I don't have any drive. I have zero.
